
Basic Handgun is a level 1 course that is perfect for the new shooter who wishes to get more familiar with there firearm. We go over all the basics in this program from mechanical operation, firearm safety, marksmanship, safe storage, cleaning and much more!
This course does exactly what is says, its designed to help you perform better. You will be held to a high standard in this course, that's the only way to shatter training plateaus and see results. This isn't your dads pistol course, we will focus on proven, relevant, real world based concepts that will rapidly increase your performance with a pistol. Are you ready to train?
LEO Only Courses
We love our boys & girls in blue here at Richardson Precision & Training. We offer specialized courses at discounted rates for our LEO's and armed security professionals. Having trouble with your Qualification scores? Want to become more accurate? We can help!